Wednesday, July 29, 2009
11:51 PM ●
- Tongue Tied.  Bright cold silver moon, tonight alone in my room i stared up at the stars, i wonder just where you are. you feel a million miles away, i wonder just where you are. was it something i said or something i never did or maybe I'm just not there at the right time. whatever it takes, i don't care we're gonna make it perfect i swear. but you're standing at a distance so far that I might never reach because baby I'm always moving one step forward and two steps back.
Monday, July 27, 2009
11:47 PM ●
- Heros are always the first to attain glory but the first to die.  Short post today. Went to town with Vince to shop for his stuffs today ! reached home at 7+ i know it's early ! but vince has probation so i have no choice ): Had quite some fun time in class today. Like how i disturbed Bryan with his sexy slope ! HAHAHA just look at that ! Retardd !  HAHA ! and I've a new " self declared " pet bunny today ! His name is Shawn soon ! HAHAHA ! (:  Cute right ! look at those bunny tooth ! :B
Thursday, July 23, 2009
10:14 PM ●
- Everyone seems to treat me as a fool ( : Ok, I'm gonna start to blabber some nonsense in my blog again. HAHAHA had some horrible experience today in class ! It's again about, Mr. TanYB (: LOL !  Today, he took some drug today and he went insane ! HAHA Look at him ! he's trying to smoke in class ! After the failed attempt, he walked over to zr and started his " Crazy " acts again ! look look.  He sat beside Mr. OwZR. he showed him something on his phone and they started laughing. The next thing they did,  Was to sms on YB's phone with different hands ! this picture look dam dumb ! it looks like they have their bodies stick together as one LOL.  YB then showed ZR something on his handphone which i don't think it's somwthing nice. HAHA ZR refused to look at it and moments later, Mr.YB's insane temper came to life !  He attacked Mr.ZR ): so mean of him to do that. Zr cried ): and yb tried to do something disghusting to him to make him smile again ! HAHAHA look look,   HAHAHA ! The next 2 crazy people is Loh DeNeng and Loh PekHan have you ever seen humping for guys in a mix school ? when there're girls to satisfy their needs ? HAHAHA, Look at de neng. he looked like as though he's sex deprived ! LOL !  HAHA ! GAY ! My class is so crazy i tell youzx ! (: Oh great, I've made a wrong mistake to fall for you, looks like someone had taken a step forward. I'm always late by just that lil moment in life, just that fucking short period of time.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
11:08 PM ●
-To Succeed In Life, You Have To Try, Fail, Learn And Stand Up Again  Is it fear or courage that overcomes you when you stumble on a problem in life ? And do you give up or persevere if you fall ? There are many problems and failures we face in life. But are you gonna blame others when it comes ? or sit there, think about it, highlight your mistakes and learn from it. set your targets, know your limits and aim high in the air. even if you fail to achieve it, at least you know that you've tried your best. So sorry for, the person i became So sorry that, it took so long for me to change I'm ready to, wish i will never become this way again. Because who i am hates who I've been.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
9:29 PM ●
- It's not faliures that made us lose our confidence in life but it's the attitude which made us strive and aim high.HAHA ! did some stupid things in school today. The first two period, we had some talk from my form teacher, Mr. Tay. His conversation with us was about bullying and some other stuffs. Made us laugh early in the morning ! So after doing that piece of worksheet on remarks of bullying, some of us decided to try it out on our classmates ! LOL ! Scene 1 :  Victim of the day. Mr. TanYB (: Using his iPod in class. I walked up to him, sat beside him and act as though I'm busy with my stuffs The next thing is,  I poke him with my lil finger and he screamed like a bitch ! ( I swear this scene is dam funny ! His voice hit some freaking high pitch ! ) Ok, no more nonsense. The next thing i do is,  Assulting him with my lil gun finger and he's dead ! Thats call physical abuse. HAHA ( i sound retarded [: ) Look at that tongue ! It somehow shows that he have some intention to lick the camera. and this whole thing happen-ed in like, 2 seconds ! I'm laughing like a evil man in this picture ! (: So cute of YB to play with me. HAHA ! Scene 2 :  The next victim was kenneth kwang. HAHA ! Look at lynn ! she's killing her BoyF ): another physical bully scene right after playing with yb. Cute aye ! (: This is how crazy my class is. BYE !
Sunday, July 12, 2009
11:09 PM ●
- Am I Invisible To You ?  Went out with Nicholas to Marina Square today. Played some arcade games and pool. walked around marina in search of nice cloths but I've failed to find suitable ones for me. ): Nicholas bought a denim skinny from FourSkin, all thanks to me, HAHAHA ! tomorrow there's school again ): guess i have to crawl out of my bed the next morning feeling exhausted because i don't feel sleepy now.
I no longer feel the presence of happiness in me anymore. i used to feel happy over many things in the past, except my character. Notorious, defiant and irritating. In the past, I've hurt many people around me, most importantly, my parents. I've changed into another person now, to fill in the holes I've left out, to be perfect. but i no longer feel happy. I'm seeing things so negatively now. Maybe i should just return back to my past, i might feel better.. I guess i can never have two things at the same time, everything seems wrong, so wrong. Especially, You.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
12:27 AM ●
- Critical Acclaim Dug out this old photo from my phone, it was taken during the holidays. I miss my past hair. ): Is it a crime to love someone ? I'm being punished by pain that i pray not to face, but yet it's still coming for me. I hate who i am and who I've become. All the negative thoughts, all the unhappy things, bottled up inside me. It's tearing every bit of my confidence down into pieces every second. Chain me, Lock me. I need a chance for you to, Take me to a place when time is right, A place of happiness and no pain, perfect skies and no rains This place full of peace and light, and I'd hope you might. I want to be there, i want to reach into a place called, Your Heart.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
2:37 AM ●
-Maybe it's you.  Went for Adrian's birthday BBQ today. Had quite some fun time there. Cooked some delicious food for myself. HAHA, yum (: Opened a bottle of Martell and mixed it with coke. Cheers to the birthday boy and drank a number of cups. Turned on the music and relaxed by the swimming pool which was just beside the pit. Hah, Look at Shannon ! He somehow resembles MC king ! HAHA !  Cute Aye ! (: Cabbed home after the party with Nicholas. We had a great time together, all thanks to Adrian. Last but not least, Happy Birthday Adrian !
ME !
Is the big name !
I am friendly,
but i bite sometimes.
This is my blog.
Respect it.
I'm the owner here so i set the rules, not you.
Leaving is easy just click the [X] Button on the top right hand corner of this web
Alt+F4 can also do the same thing, Thank you.
I Wanna Sing Like A RockStar, Be Like MovieStar, Play Like An All-Star And Fuck Like A Ponstar ! (:
I'm not a average 16 year old kid alright,
I don't need your judgments here.
And for god sake, please leave your verdicts and indignant remarks to yourself,
If you can't accept the awful attitude of mine,
just leave, i won't hesitate to screw you.
On the contrary, I'm amicable (: so don't worry.
Basically, My life is occupied by sleeping and eating,
I will never try to abolish this habit because,
Consuming scrumptious meals are things we human should enjoy in life.
Which means, I'm being a glutton most of the time,
Last of all, I dream to be an ambidextrous [:
She was oblivious of my admiration.
But I'm perpetually holding on because i'm unduly in love. ):
It is really hard to fathom the reason why humans are so mentally deranged in love
Just some mere assertion, Love is a word that's dominated by cheaters, players and heart breakers
And it's often spoken by fakers and liars.
People made me believe that promises are lies,
And so does "Forever". It doesn't subsist at all.
A heartbreaker's masquerade as a decent one
Actually, it all lies within one's individual perspective.
I have no due regards to constrain you to follow the way i think about love.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
11:51 PM ●
- Tongue Tied.  Bright cold silver moon, tonight alone in my room i stared up at the stars, i wonder just where you are. you feel a million miles away, i wonder just where you are. was it something i said or something i never did or maybe I'm just not there at the right time. whatever it takes, i don't care we're gonna make it perfect i swear. but you're standing at a distance so far that I might never reach because baby I'm always moving one step forward and two steps back.
Monday, July 27, 2009
11:47 PM ●
- Heros are always the first to attain glory but the first to die.  Short post today. Went to town with Vince to shop for his stuffs today ! reached home at 7+ i know it's early ! but vince has probation so i have no choice ): Had quite some fun time in class today. Like how i disturbed Bryan with his sexy slope ! HAHAHA just look at that ! Retardd !  HAHA ! and I've a new " self declared " pet bunny today ! His name is Shawn soon ! HAHAHA ! (:  Cute right ! look at those bunny tooth ! :B
Thursday, July 23, 2009
10:14 PM ●
- Everyone seems to treat me as a fool ( : Ok, I'm gonna start to blabber some nonsense in my blog again. HAHAHA had some horrible experience today in class ! It's again about, Mr. TanYB (: LOL !  Today, he took some drug today and he went insane ! HAHA Look at him ! he's trying to smoke in class ! After the failed attempt, he walked over to zr and started his " Crazy " acts again ! look look.  He sat beside Mr. OwZR. he showed him something on his phone and they started laughing. The next thing they did,  Was to sms on YB's phone with different hands ! this picture look dam dumb ! it looks like they have their bodies stick together as one LOL.  YB then showed ZR something on his handphone which i don't think it's somwthing nice. HAHA ZR refused to look at it and moments later, Mr.YB's insane temper came to life !  He attacked Mr.ZR ): so mean of him to do that. Zr cried ): and yb tried to do something disghusting to him to make him smile again ! HAHAHA look look,   HAHAHA ! The next 2 crazy people is Loh DeNeng and Loh PekHan have you ever seen humping for guys in a mix school ? when there're girls to satisfy their needs ? HAHAHA, Look at de neng. he looked like as though he's sex deprived ! LOL !  HAHA ! GAY ! My class is so crazy i tell youzx ! (: Oh great, I've made a wrong mistake to fall for you, looks like someone had taken a step forward. I'm always late by just that lil moment in life, just that fucking short period of time.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
11:08 PM ●
-To Succeed In Life, You Have To Try, Fail, Learn And Stand Up Again  Is it fear or courage that overcomes you when you stumble on a problem in life ? And do you give up or persevere if you fall ? There are many problems and failures we face in life. But are you gonna blame others when it comes ? or sit there, think about it, highlight your mistakes and learn from it. set your targets, know your limits and aim high in the air. even if you fail to achieve it, at least you know that you've tried your best. So sorry for, the person i became So sorry that, it took so long for me to change I'm ready to, wish i will never become this way again. Because who i am hates who I've been.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
9:29 PM ●
- It's not faliures that made us lose our confidence in life but it's the attitude which made us strive and aim high.HAHA ! did some stupid things in school today. The first two period, we had some talk from my form teacher, Mr. Tay. His conversation with us was about bullying and some other stuffs. Made us laugh early in the morning ! So after doing that piece of worksheet on remarks of bullying, some of us decided to try it out on our classmates ! LOL ! Scene 1 :  Victim of the day. Mr. TanYB (: Using his iPod in class. I walked up to him, sat beside him and act as though I'm busy with my stuffs The next thing is,  I poke him with my lil finger and he screamed like a bitch ! ( I swear this scene is dam funny ! His voice hit some freaking high pitch ! ) Ok, no more nonsense. The next thing i do is,  Assulting him with my lil gun finger and he's dead ! Thats call physical abuse. HAHA ( i sound retarded [: ) Look at that tongue ! It somehow shows that he have some intention to lick the camera. and this whole thing happen-ed in like, 2 seconds ! I'm laughing like a evil man in this picture ! (: So cute of YB to play with me. HAHA ! Scene 2 :  The next victim was kenneth kwang. HAHA ! Look at lynn ! she's killing her BoyF ): another physical bully scene right after playing with yb. Cute aye ! (: This is how crazy my class is. BYE !
Sunday, July 12, 2009
11:09 PM ●
- Am I Invisible To You ?  Went out with Nicholas to Marina Square today. Played some arcade games and pool. walked around marina in search of nice cloths but I've failed to find suitable ones for me. ): Nicholas bought a denim skinny from FourSkin, all thanks to me, HAHAHA ! tomorrow there's school again ): guess i have to crawl out of my bed the next morning feeling exhausted because i don't feel sleepy now.
I no longer feel the presence of happiness in me anymore. i used to feel happy over many things in the past, except my character. Notorious, defiant and irritating. In the past, I've hurt many people around me, most importantly, my parents. I've changed into another person now, to fill in the holes I've left out, to be perfect. but i no longer feel happy. I'm seeing things so negatively now. Maybe i should just return back to my past, i might feel better.. I guess i can never have two things at the same time, everything seems wrong, so wrong. Especially, You.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
12:27 AM ●
- Critical Acclaim Dug out this old photo from my phone, it was taken during the holidays. I miss my past hair. ): Is it a crime to love someone ? I'm being punished by pain that i pray not to face, but yet it's still coming for me. I hate who i am and who I've become. All the negative thoughts, all the unhappy things, bottled up inside me. It's tearing every bit of my confidence down into pieces every second. Chain me, Lock me. I need a chance for you to, Take me to a place when time is right, A place of happiness and no pain, perfect skies and no rains This place full of peace and light, and I'd hope you might. I want to be there, i want to reach into a place called, Your Heart.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
2:37 AM ●
-Maybe it's you.  Went for Adrian's birthday BBQ today. Had quite some fun time there. Cooked some delicious food for myself. HAHA, yum (: Opened a bottle of Martell and mixed it with coke. Cheers to the birthday boy and drank a number of cups. Turned on the music and relaxed by the swimming pool which was just beside the pit. Hah, Look at Shannon ! He somehow resembles MC king ! HAHA !  Cute Aye ! (: Cabbed home after the party with Nicholas. We had a great time together, all thanks to Adrian. Last but not least, Happy Birthday Adrian !